Governing Documents Committee
The last GDC meeting took place in the main clubhouse on 5/15/2024 at 6:30 pm and lasted approximately 2 hours. During the meeting, pages 1-25 were reviewed. The committee identified items that would need a rewrite, more clarification, require further legal review, etc. These items are annotated in the right margins of the "Working Document". Areas not identified/notated were deemed ‘approved for modification’ as written.
Next meeting: 5/29/24 @ 6:30 pm - Main Clubhouse
Meetings will be held every other Wednesday
To update and modernize the Current Governing Documents to align with current law, technology, and community views in an effort to enhance property values and preserve Wilshire Lakes as a desirable community in which to live.
Review Proposed Governing Documents
Committee to make suggestions/edits
Send Committee edits/suggestions/questions to the attorney for legal review
Present attorney reviewed documents with incorporated edits to the Board of Directors
Mail/electronically transmit Proposed Governing Documents to the members for a vote
Schedule Town Hall Meetings to educate/answer questions
Governing Documents (Current)
Proposed Governing Documents (Working Copy)
Please feel free to contact the GDC at
Members are encouraged to provide feedback/questions pertaining to the documents.